The Office of Emergency Management and Public Safety Department are continuously training on a variety of training and outreach programs for the Camden County College community. This training will allow our staff to quickly identify, prepare, respond, and resolve critical incidents that occur on our campuses. Our Public Safety Officers and support staff receive training in first aid CPR, Mental Health Awareness, Emergency Response, Protest and Demonstration, Overdose Response and Prevention, Title IX, and many other training topics.
What we do to Train for Emergencies on Campus
Camden County College has a variety of training that they provide our College Community in the event there is an emergency situation on our campuses. Our employees receive E-Safety training on several safety and health topics. Each of our departments has personalized training for their faculty and staff. Departmental Supervisors and Executive staff participate in tabletop exercises to enhance their general awareness, validate our plans and procedures, rehearse concepts, and evaluate a need assessment on the types of systems needed to guide the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from emergency incidents that many occur on our campuses.